Daily News: Google Only Showing 3 Local Results vs. 7, Majority of Email Opens are Mobile

Here is today’s roundup of news related to location-based marketing, media, technology, sales, commerce and more:

Google Now Only Showing 3 Local Results Instead Of 7 (August 7, 2015)
SEO Roundtable: “After much testing, Google has seem to officially drop the seven local results in the web search results and gone with a 3-pack block.”

Yext puts geo-marketing on the map (August 6, 2015)
Yahoo Finance: “Location, location, location, so the saying goes. And Yext, a geo-marketing startup worth over $500 million, couldn’t agree more.”

Twitter now lets advertisers bid on mobile ads based on installs, not just app clicks (August 6, 2015)
VentureBeat: “Starting today, brands can pay for their mobile app install campaigns on Twitter through two additional offerings: optimized action bidding and cost per install bidding.”

Majority Of Email Opens Are Mobile, But Most Conversions On The Desktop (August 6, 2015)
Marketing Land: “iPhone generates 42 percent of email opens, but only 18 percent of conversions.”

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