seoClarity Shares 3 Keys to Local Success for Enterprises

seoClarity is a global, enterprise­-level SEO platform. Here is more from the company:

“Search Experience Optimization”… only from seoClarity. Our completely disruptive technology will put your enterprise one step ahead of an ever-changing SEO landscape. That’s why enterprises around the globe have switched from other SEO tools and upgraded to seoClarity to gain a competitive edge in their business.

To learn more, we caught up with Mitul Gandhi, co-founder and chief architect at seoClarity:

What local problem(s) does seoClarity solve? How?

Multi-location businesses often have default store locators on their website and most store locators use a javascript or Ajax setup that serves up the nearest location on a map when you search by zip code or city/state. This is a completely dynamic request and websites often don’t contain a unique page or URL for that location. It works really well for the end user while they are on the website and searching for nearest location but it is completely ignored by the search engine.

The other issue with a dynamic store locator is that you can only use name, address and phone number without the ability to include location photos, unique content and more.

Our LocalClarity solution provides the “3 Keys to Local Success” with the following:

#1: Local Landing Page Optimization
Our fully CMS-driven SaaS platform allows for dynamic store landing pages, skinned and themed to integrate seamlessly with an enterprise’s website.  The LocalClarity team builds and optimizes local landing pages for each of your locations, leveraging on-page elements like H1 tags, localized URLs, and geo-targeted content to ensure high local ranking for every location.

LocalClarity includes all the necessary information – name, address, telephone number, hours of operation, and Google map and driving directions, while enhancing listings with rich snippets, pictures, and information on services offered at each location.  These practices improve ranking and location page traffic dramatically.

#2: Citation Building
The automated submissions within LocalClarity are sent directly to all major data aggregators, resulting in error-proof distribution to more than 700 local online directories, social networks, and search portals, eliminating hours of manual labor and allowing enterprises to scale the solution for their growing local presence.

#3: Robust Tracking & Reporting
Leveraging our more robust city-level tracking, enterprises gain deeper insights and understanding of the ROI of their local search efforts like never before.


What makes seoClarity innovative?

What makes seoClarity so disruptive is its complete customization capabilities. We go beyond the “one size fits all” approach of other platforms by helping enterprises meet their unique needs, save them time and increase efficiency.

It’s not very often that a technology comes around with the ability to disrupt and transform an entire industry, but that is precisely why companies continue upgrading their SEO efforts by turning to the “Search Experience Optimization” available only from seoClarity.

How does seoClarity make the local space better for consumers?

Every day, more consumers are searching online for products or services. As the leading provider of local search for large enterprises, seoClarity ensures that companies will:

  • Attract more customers ready to buy
  • Maximize your online marketing budget
  • Gain total control and visibility of your local marketing

LocalClarity makes it fast and easy for enterprises with multiple locations to optimize their local presence in every one of their markets. Because localized search has become imperative to business, the ability to generate a localized page is simply not enough in today’s world of smartphones and tablets. LocalClarity generates locally optimized pages quickly, efficiently, and cost effectively.  This provides a superior search experience for consumers when looking for products and services locally.

What is next in local?

With the rise of mobile search (nearly 80% searches on mobile phones converted into sales), local SEO is going to be extremely important for businesses. Mobile searchers are often looking for information while they’re on the go – possibly right in the neighborhood of one of your locations!

A recent study from Google confirms that “near me” searches are on the rise and they have increased 34x since 2011. As a technology provider, we deliver a solution and strategy for enterprises to achieve success at the “local” level by building out a customized local CMS platform.


To learn more about seoClarity, click here.

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