How Marketing Agencies can Help Clients Compete Based on Customer Experience

Did you know that more than two-thirds of companies now compete primarily on the basis of customer experience?

Helping your clients better understand their customers so they can deliver fantastic experiences will help them grow market share and build brand loyalty.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand how to help your marketing clients evolve into experience-driven marketers that have a deeper understanding of their customers, consistently optimize the customer experience, and turn customer delight into revenue.

How to Evolve Your Clients From Marketers to Experience-Driven Owners

The first step to helping your clients compete on the battlefield of customer experience is through guiding them to a deeper understanding of their customers through data analysis. Delivering on the high expectations of modern consumers requires translating data into actionable insights.

That means expanding feedback collection across as many relevant channels as possible, but not just NPS surveys:

Surveys – There are many types of surveys your clients can use to get valuable feedback such as CSAT, CES, and much more, as well as NPS.

Reviews – Identify relevant directories to expand your clients’ channels and get more reviews. Aside from the popular ones like Google and Yelp, depending on their industry, consider listing your clients’ business on relevant industry-specific sites like FindLaw or Zillow.

Social media47% of consumers will voice a complaint with a business on social media making it an ideal channel for your clients to get valuable feedback.

Webchat – This is a popular channel that typically gets high customer engagement, making it an ideal channel for your clients to get feedback immediately after helping a customer.

Expanding customer feedback channels beyond the traditional metrics (NPS, CSAT, etc.) marketers use to measure customer sentiment ultimately fuels more informed decision-making that empowers marketers to take their growth strategies to the next level.

What happens after customer feedback is collected?

At this point, you’re likely sitting on a mountain of data from survey responses, reviews, and feedback from multiple sites, social networks, and communication channels.

Manually pulling reports from each channel and ‘frankensteining’ them together to glean actionable insights simply isn’t sustainable. This becomes even more difficult as you help them get more customers and the volume of their feedback increases. This is likely why only 23% of executives are confident in the speed at which they’re gaining accurate insights.

Fortunately, there’s a solution.

Experience Marketing: A Holistic View of the Customer

Experience Marketing leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) to quickly analyze customer feedback across all of the aforementioned channels, understand the context of specific keywords, and identify patterns that provide a holistic view of overall customer sentiment.

From there, valuable customer insights can be gleaned and reported in an easily digestible format. NLP highlights the context of relevant keywords as positive, negative, or neutral, and grades the performance of a business across specific categories such as customer service, price and much more.

Additionally, an experience score is calculated ranging from 0-10. This experience score helps businesses understand customer sentiment and happiness on a much deeper level than feedback from just one feedback source.

For example, if your client runs a SaaS company, NLP can scan their customer reviews and identify patterns such as if customers find their platform difficult to navigate. Then assigns grades to related categories and applies experience scores to specific customers based on their most recent feedback about your client’s business.

If customer experience is the new battleground for growth, leveraging the holistic customer insight provided by experience scores to optimize marketing campaigns will arm your clients with powerful tools to help them gain a competitive edge.

Final Thoughts

Building a long-lasting relationship with your clients requires providing value and guiding them to ideal solutions.

Society has rapidly increased dependency on digital channels. Going forward, customer feedback across these channels will only increase. Help your clients leverage the power of Experience Marketing to help increase market share and modernize their approach to growth.

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