Meet the New Small Business Saas Customer

How to adapt to today’s independent and intelligent SMB buyer

Increasingly, small businesses (SMBs) are buying marketing solutions and cloud-based services on their own, without the help of a sales rep. But how do SMBs prioritize the services they are willing to purchase and fulfill themselves, and when do they want the help of an agency or publisher?

A new survey of nearly 500 SMBs, conducted by LSA and commissioned by Mono, looked at 10 marketing tools and services, ranging from domain names and websites, to CRM software, reputation management and SEO. The survey asked about motivations and uncovered when and why SMBs DIY vs. seeking out DIWM (do it with me) or DIFM (do it for me) solutions.

The insights from this study are valuable to any business building marketing software for SMBs. They’re also useful in understanding which product or service layer to offer which customers — and under what circumstances.

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