SEL: Top 10 Insights from the Experts at LSA15

The Local Search Association’s (LSA) Annual Conference brought in experts from across the globe to provide commentary and insight into trends and challenges that the advertising, marketing and search industry faces today.  In addition to all of the session recaps featured here on the LSA Insider, in my latest Search Engine Land column I write about 10 of the top insights shared at the conference:

  1. Mobile location data drives more than location targeted marketing
  2. Richer Data from multiple sources will be combined to give a fuller consumer profile.
  3. Adoption of mobile commerce remains an uphill battle for now
  4. But the benefits of mobile commerce will win out
  5. The difference between what SMB’s want and what SMB’s get leads to high churn
  6. What SMB’s want is starting to change the industry business model
  7. Programmatic advertising will change the industry as much as digital changed traditional advertising.
  8. Content is key
  9. The Yellow pages are alive and kicking
  10. A.I. is the future

Check out the full column for all the details.

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