SOCi’s SmartBot Another New Product Synced with the Times

SOCi is yet another company operating in the Localogy ecosystem to launch a new product well-timed for the moment. SOCI is a digital marketing SaaS company targeting multi-location businesses. It’s billing the new SmartBot as the “First AI-powered Facebook Messenger chatbot built for multi-location businesses.” According to SOCi, the SmartBot lets multi-location businesses deploy conversational […]

Foursquare Helps Quantify CV-19’s Impact on Local Commerce, Part IV

Over the past two months, we’ve examined Foursquare’s ongoing data on local-commerce foot traffic patterns — specifically in light of shifting behavior due to quarantining and other lockdown measures.  We also promised we’d stay on top of that moving target as new data become available. True to that promise, we’re back with the fourth batch […]